Official online ticket sales for the YEARS OF DECAY 2024 on Saturday the 23.11.2024 organized by the Taunus Metal e.V. You can find more current events here.


We strive to present you a raw (and surprising) mixture of dark, heavy & devastating music in one of Europe’s most uncompromising settings, our beloved Babylon, Frankfurt am Main. Six carefully selected Bands will enter the stage, ranging from Belgium, The Netherlands to Germany and beyond.

Save the date and be prepared for:

Alkerdeel (Ghent / Belgium)

Insect Ark (NYC / Berlin)

Valborg (Bonn / Germany)

Aidan Baker + N (Toronto / Dortmund / Berlin)

GGU:LL (Tilburg / Netherlands)

Ort (Dortmund / Germany)

Stay in touch on social media and all our other channels for further news:

The presale is over, but there are still enough tickets at the box office. We are looking forward to seeing you all. Stay Heavy and see you at the YEARS OF DECAY 2024.

Where does the event happen? DAS BETT - Live Musik Club, Schmidtstraße 12, 60326 Frankfurt am Main

When does the event happen?
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A service fee of 2,00 € per ticket will be added to the order total.


One day ticket (Saturday)

For Saturday (23.11.2024), for a total of 39,50€ including 7% VAT and additionally a 2€ presales fee. Our additional presale fee is solely intended to partially cover the costs per ticket for our online ticketing service. The day tickets are online-only tickets.

39,50 € incl. 7% MwSt.

Add One day ticket (Saturday) to cart

Charity donation

As a non-profit association we organize the Taunus-Metal Festival and other events like our "YEARS OF DECAY" or "Wild Boars" concert series on a voluntary basis by our members and volunteers. If you would like to join us or help out at the events, please contact us under or just talk to us at the event.

Donation to Taunus-Metal e.V.

Donation to Taunus-Metal e.V.

I you want to support us, enter an amount you would like to donate. The Taunus Metal e.V. is a recognized non-profit cultural association and is allowed to accept donations, which you can claim for tax purposes. For donations from 300€ we issue donation receipts.